Looking Forward to a Successful Year Temp link Greetings – Thank you so much to all who attended, ‘A Gold Affair’ a Celebration and Fundraiser for the IIDA Oregon Chapter. It was truly an incredible evening full of celebration, dancing, food and drink, raffle prizes, sunsets and some really creative dazzling gold attire! I had the opportunity to talk to many… Read More
News Release – Annual Design Crawl Contact: Kim Gonzales, IIDA Oregon Chapter PR Chair kimg@ankrommoisan.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APR. 3, 2015 IIDA OREGON CHAPTER ANNOUNCES ANNUAL DESIGN CRAWL Portland, OR — The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) Oregon Chapter is proud to announce the Annual Design Crawl. The tour of three Design Excellence Award winning projects will be held on the evening… Read More
2014: The Year in Review It is that time of year when we all look back and undergo an introspective process of what we have accomplished. This past year, we have reaffirmed our commitment to bring the Members of the IIDA Oregon Chapter increased value for your membership. Your 2014-2015 IIDA Oregon Chapter Board has been hard at work implementing… Read More
Recap: 2014 Student Kick-off Events The new school year is off to a great start! The IIDA Oregon Chapter fall student kick-off events were well attended by both students and professionals. The events coincided with the first couple of weeks of classes to strengthen our connection to students studying interior design.  We held two separate events, a ‘local’ event in… Read More
A Preview of the October Forum | Harper’s Playground V I D E O  |  C O D Y  G O L D B E R G ‘ S   T E D x  P o r t l a n d  T a l k In April earlier this year, Cody Goldberg, Executive Director of Harper’s Playground gave a talk… Read More