Interior Design Legislation | Advocacy in Action!

It’s been a very IIDA week. IIDA National hosted all the Vice Presidents of Advocacy in Chicago for the annual Advocacy Symposium. The room was energizing and Marci Merola, IIDA’s Director of Advocacy, did not disappoint. We talked where we’ve been, where we are today, and the future of legislation for our regions. My heart got a giant hug from Stacey Crumbaker’s (IIDA’s International Board President Elect and NW neighbor in the Northern Pacific Chapter) sage advice: the focus of legislation are the 3 E’s (education, experience, and examination) and HSW (health, safety, and well-being not the success of a business practice. Business practice is another animal.

This week the IIDA Advocacy Team kept the ball rolling to refine the language of House Bill 2141, aka HB 2141. This amendment language will push our title act out of ORS 671: Architects; Landscape Professions and Business. For reference, pop over here for the complete low down of how the architecture statute stands today.

You can reference the current iteration of HB2141 here:

You may have seen some rhetoric from our partners at AIA Oregon on their Instagram account, specifically their opposition to how the bill stands today. While disappointing to see this language, understand we, as in IIDA Oregon and AIA Oregon, are working together to create revised language for HB 2141 and how we as a collective can best serve our community. Stay tuned!

As always, your support and conversations within your network of people helps to spread the knowledge of who we are, what we do, and the qualifications to get there. Keep up the good work, you!

You have Q’s; we have A’s.
Contact our VP of Advocacy

Roberta Pennington
IIDA Oregon VP Advocacy