2016 IIDA Oregon Chapter Student Symposium Recap

gbd-bikeThe 2016 IIDA Oregon Chapter’s Student Symposium occurred on November 5th at GBD Architect’s office in Portland. The event was open to Oregon Interior Design Students from Oregon State, University of Oregon, Marylhurst, The Art Institute of Portland and Portland Community College.

The student-focused event featured a select number of Oregon Interior Design firms and professional organizations who presented their work, mission and culture in the Pecha Kucha presentation format. GBD, the hosting firm, also gave the students a history of the development of the Brewery Blocks and a tour of the studio.  


gbd-tour-presentation-3Hosting Firm GBD gave a history of the architectural development of Portland’s Brewery Blocks and Pearl district before touring the students through the studio.

Presenters included; GBD Architects, Mahlum, BORA, the IIDA Oregon Chapter, a presentation by two IIDA Oregon Chapter and Western Student Design Charette Participants, and the Interior Design Coalition of Oregon.


Left: GBD presenting “A Day in the Life of an Interior Designer”

Right: The IIDA Oregon Chapter sharing
our mission, vision,  
and value of Student Membership.iida-or-presenting


mahlum-presentingMahlum presenting their firm’s work and culture

bora-presentingBORA presenting work, culture and the process of a recent branding refresh.

iida-or-wrsdc-presentingIIDA Oregon Chapter Student Participants presenting advice on the process and participation in the IIDA Oregon Chapter and IIDA Western Regional Student Design Charettes.

idc-presentingIDC Oregon teaches the importance of Advocacy and professional recognition for Interior Designers in the State of Oregon.

bora-networking-groupStudent attendees broke into smaller discussion groups to learn about topics geared toward the Interior Design profession.

The event also covered topics related to career development, professional growth and networking. Students toured GBD Architect’s office and took part in a fun lunch activity that was set up in a speed networking format.

Our amazing sponsors made it possible to raffle away twelve IIDA Student Memberships for the 2017 year.  A special thank you to the Mohawk Group, Mahlum, IA Interior Architects, and Mannington Commercial for helping to make this possible! We would also like to thank the Vaughan Brothers and Cosentino for their support as well!  It is because of your kind contributions that we are able to put on exciting events throughout the year for students – thank you for your continued support!

To learn how you can be involved in attending or supporting IIDA Oregon Chapter Student events, please contact the VP Student Affairs.