Member Spotlight: Jamie Kreger, IIDA

Jamie Kreger
Company / Position: Ankrom Moisan Architects / Interior Designer
Years of Experience: 4.5
IIDA Member Since: 2015

What are you currently working on? I work primarily on Senior Living projects in the Portland and Seattle area.  I have two new construction projects with 80-120 dwelling units each. My area of focus includes space planning and design development of public areas and amenities as well as the units.  One project is attempting the Living Building Challenge where locally sourced and sustainable materials are key.

What project have you worked on that you are most proud of and why?:
The rescue mission for homeless families I designed in Montana made a big impact on that community. It served as a hub for outreach programs and kept families together when that was previously not possible.

What gets you excited about design?: Creative use of materials and thoughtful details.

On a typical Saturday where can we find you?: I spend time with my husband helping out and adventuring on his family’s ranch in Eastern Oregon.

Why are you a member of IIDA?: I enjoy networking and connecting with the design community.